Waikato Bay of Plenty Athletics!
The pressure was crazy.The butterflies in my tummy were now jumping around like frogs. I could see family and friends peering down on me like Hawks from the grandstand as I wait for my turn on the track. “Take your mark, set bang!” exclaimed the starter, suddenly the 9 year old boys leap off like gazelles sprinting there hearts out know how big of a privilege it is if they manage to get a podium finish. I could see them crossing the finish line and my butterflies kicked into overdrive. It was my turn next!
I thought I wouldn't get nervous but I have never been so wrong. “Take your Mark!” he commands, I quickly crouch down only to have red rubber piecing my hands. “Set, bang!” The wind was whipping my face as eight girls charge to the finish line. The crowds voices were booming in my ears as loud as a rock band. But before long I find myself bopping my head, the white finish line underneath my foot. “Congratulations” and “Well done!” are only some of the words people around me were saying as I handed in my lane number. The race had been so close no one knew who had won, so we had to play a horrible round of the waiting game.
“Swoosh, swoosh,” whispers the grass as I stumble back to the Te Awamutu club tent. I see athletes sprinting the 400m like Olympians. Maybe I’m just not up to being a champion. “Aylee Gane over to the prize giving Tent, now please!” Boomed the speaker. Yay I had obviously gotten a placing. I quickly leap up onto the podium so one of the ladies could place a gold medal around my neck! “Congratulations you have just won the nine year old girls 60m!”